May 25, 2009

anak kucing mati

as the title says

my cute little kitten died, y? who knows

it happens about 2 days earlier

that day, i placed the kitten in a box

then i go to section 8, to take "theory test" for my license, and got remarkably 42, huh

then, when i came home, i eat my lunch with ma sis and my ma

then i go for a walk at bla bla bla (censored)

when i got home that evening, about 7 p.m.

my ma told me that my lil kitten just die 2 hours ago

i quickly (BS) go to my lil kitten, and saw that his in****** is bursting out

my mom said : the COD is infection, 

but why the in*****?


next day, sunday, morning, the most precious time to sleep, i woke up

and bury "him" next to my coconut tree

and saw "his" mother wandering here and there, probably looking for "her" dead "son"

dont be sad "ma", i said to the cat

thats all for today, 

bye2 people


May 24, 2009

wed, here i come!!


it's a long noon, maybe evening?

i came to my kelab penyayang's wed

she married her senior, who was 3-4 years older..

hmm, the food is good, other than that, no comment....

here's some pic,

the wedding

hmm, BTW, her name is nurul ashikin, we called her ekin, and her hubby's name is khairul,

congratulations my club members, hope both of u will have good memories for the rest

of your life, and, untill your "child and grandchild"

hmm, now i wonder, when will zack be married?



bye people, thanks 4 ur bl**dy time

May 13, 2009

kolej almarbawi something

yesterday, i've visited one of my friends at UTM

he's living in UKM's college named almerbawi something

somehow, that place is so creepy. with no one there

I wonder how he survived for this becoming 8 weeks, gosh

still, i kept him company for about 15 min...

he said that his roomate is nowhere to be found, even though he is here a few days ago,

maybe he's going back home to get his mama, homesickers . for a final year student,

it's funny, damn funny...

and there it is, the sound of azan, time for prayer people

got to go aezal, see you again on another day,

and, i have to go, my mom is waiting,

moms' child, lol



May 11, 2009

my lil sis

tomorrow, hmm, i mean today, 11 may,

my sis pegi tangkak, matrik

da x le buli sape2 da


and all ppl bz with their own stuff

so, x ley la nk wat pape

but i have mom, 

even mother's day dah lepas

nway, happy mother's da mom!!

n to my sis, blaja lek lok, dgr cte matrik cam susa




May 9, 2009

hari yg panjang, ( a long day )

semalam, sign up for lesen

today, pg2 kene bangun

pagi tadi, exact kol 8, tggu van...

sampai tempat tu, exact kol 10 baru stat, lame hell

kol 11.40, rehat, tp x de duit, lpe da belikan someone topup, noooooo, foooood for tough

then found 60 cents somewhere in the wallet, beli roti, hoho, sedap ni

after that, ganti cegu plak, his name is tuuuutt

guess wat?

stereotaip gle, ish3, ngumpat

die ckp, buku latihan jwpn sme salah, to encourage all of us to fail our 1st test, (what the hell??)

he talk about some testi's (testimonials) from his former student

and those who regretting

he sell cd's, yg ade 10 set soalan, satu set ade 500, same je dlm buku latihan, but dwibahasa, 

and senang sket die kate, kalo it illiterate, same je, haha

and, die ckp, "kalo sy da kuar, jgn dtg keta nk beli lg da"

haha, what the hell???

some kind of army in his old days, but doesnt look like one, wonder why 

he talks about something, which bring upon the naked part of his identity, 

haha, teruk gle ak kutuk org, but, sp yg knal die?

ak sorg je, hehe

power gile psycho, tp ak ngtk time tu, x de kesan sgt

and, silibus x abes pon, bak kate my sis, 5 jam paling boring dlm idop, maybe not for the whole 

5 hours, 

and, the kancil is buruk like the 80's, tp mase tu x kuar kancil lg,

surau die kecik je, 4 org je....

kantin die ulu

and, when i came back home, i feel tired like ......, choose your own word, 

ok, salam


May 7, 2009

an intro abt me

besenye masok keje x bes, tapi ari ni rase happy je, x tau la nape,

so, nk cte sket abt myself

name sebenar, hazwan faliq

ppl call me kunang, name dr skolah 13 thn

love to eat, chat, lingering all day, sleep, and lazying all day without worries, and read too ppl, hehe

interested in math, jokes, new ppl, songs, sms-ings, and my new jobs,

thats all from me, nway, catch my group blog here,

later readers,



May 6, 2009

nama aku, dipetik dari dayu

bile da bace blog dayu ni, ak pon pikir gak psl name ak, da la slalu je org tny2

ape mksd kunang ni??


nape kunang??

ak pon jawab, nk pggl hazwan pon bole, faliq ke, and the list goes on,

pastu ade request, die pggl ak kuning, nape ntah, cbe tny die

tp ade yg cakap geli la ape la, so ak yang ade

keje ni po gi la bukak tab kat mozilla,

search pasal kunang, kuar psl restoran la,

mende len plek2, "posted by kunang" la,

da penat search, cari plak psl firefly,

yg first kuar kt google tu firefly Malaysia,

yg kapal terbang tu, pastu dpt la satu web ni

die ckp psl firefly meh la jenguk, tp kalo xnk pon

xpe sbb ak pon nk cte sket kt sini

Here is a summary list of symbolic meaning of the firefly:

  • Inspiration - ak x tau ap kene mengena
  • Illumination - gigiku yang putih, haha
  • Patience - no komen
  • Attraction - ak x paham word ni, haha
  • Energy - ak penuh dgn tenaga, tp energy to sleep, lol
  • Hope - ???
  • Aspiration - utk sape la agknye, hmm
  • Guidance - again, utk sp ni...
  • Efficiency - aku yg eficient, haha
  • Creativity - kreatif gak ak ni
  • New Ideas - tambah sket, craps
  • Awakening - kunang2, bgn!!!
inilah maksud tersurat lagi tersirat bile korang pggl ak ni, cme yang org bese nk tau psl origin je,

maybe right maybe not, judge on your own, i dun give a **** abt that, lol



abt praktikal

my first time, my first job, it took me a while to think, ape la yang ak kn wat nnt ni, tgk my dad

dulu keje lepak je, hmm, then i met Dr Azami, and he told me, "nnt sy bincang ng Dr Zul ap yg

kamu kene wat as a RA (pembantu penyelidik)" even x bape bergune pon dorang ade gak la suro

wat keje sket-cari journal pasal learning ODE, PDE, PBL(problem based learning), AL (active

learning) , ng CL ( c stands for cooperative )

pastu Dr Zul cal, "tuut-tuut,

aku: hello, Hazwan bercakap...

Dr Zul : ha, kamu da jumpe journal2 yg sy mintak tu???

aku: ehem, da DR, ade doblas lg, Dr nk yang mane?

Dr Zul: waa, bagus2, tambah je lagi, lagi byk lagi bagus, (lagi penat la ko saring nnt, haha)

aku: baik Dr, sy jumpe lg ni, jap2, nk save ni, ha, kan da ade 13, ( bangge nye aku, padahal google

la byk tolong)

Dr Zul: ok2, ptg nnt sy nk tgk....

dialog ni antara ak ng Dr Zul kol 2 lebih ari isnin, ade yg ditokok tambah je, lagi2 part yg korang

rase2 cam plek tu, haha..

psl PBL ng kawan2 die tu ade gak jumpe web bes ni, yg PDE tu x de pon, sme journal je,

PDE = persamaan pembezaan setengah, lol

web PBL yg bes , lawat2 la web ni, memang bes

pastu k teringat lg zack ckp, "bosan hell la keje, tunggu customer lame nk mampos" (ayat rekaan

semata2 ) cam tu la lebih kurang, so, "as a nutshell" ( ni org len ni, ak tiru je ) i love being a

nutshell, that b****y peanuts will leave me alone, haha

nway, keje ni best la kalo ade keje, kalo x, type mende ni la, chatting la, tido ke, msj2 dan lain2

ok then, time to work. salam


May 5, 2009

post 1st


inilah kali pertama ak pos blog kt sini, ade la before ni blog2 lain, tapi sme tu da lpe password

1st time keje, bosan x tau nk wat ape, cari journal je la keje ak,

sebelum bos nampak,

baik ak pos tros
